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By 2016 China will become the world's largest logistics market

Date: 2014-01-26 09:44:36 Hist: 7115

  The world's fourth largest third party logistics company , said recently in Shanghai , is expected by 2016 , China will become the world's largest logistics market . At present, China 's logistics costs account for the total amount up to 18% of GDP , equivalent to almost twice as much as the level of European countries .
  Survey Report 2012 China Logistics CEVA released the same day , Chinese domestic logistics are plagued by a series of problems , including the high cost of logistics providers and credibility as the main problem, the quality of transport is also a major problem.
  CEVA Executive Vice President of ChinaDai Chengan In an interview with reporters , said the next decade , China will accelerate the development of the logistics industry , but the logistics costs are still high , in order to maintain China 's international competitiveness , it is necessary to further reduce the cost of non- value-added part of the business , the logistics costs accounted for GDP, down to a lower level .
  Daicheng An said China's logistics industry is now in the stage of development and maturity . Government intensify investment in infrastructure is an industry contributing factor , another big positive factor is the government is trying to reduce road tolls . At present, the domestic logistics industry problems on the one hand is relatively low utilization of the truck ; hand, the connection between different types of transport vehicles is not tight enough , resulting in a relatively high inventory levels .
  Daicheng An said that in recent years, the government has introduced a series of policies to support the logistics industry to improve transport efficiency and reduce operating costs. And in the past few years , in terms of customs , including in the construction FTZ have made ​​considerable progress. I hope the Government will consider the introduction of new policies to further reduce logistics costs , currently in different provinces , customs clearance , customs process has some differences , it is necessary to introduce appropriate policies to improve the efficiency of logistics provinces .